
Books by Kinnebrew

The Conceits

On Hope (essay)

Artist Statement Aug 1998

Personal Philosophy Statement 2004




Books By Kinnebrew


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To begin a serious writing career at age 70 is either a serious delusion or audacity in the extreme. Whatever it is this is what I have done.

We have all heard others say that they or you should write a book. Few do. I did and do. I have become lost in a nether world of my own making where I found additional creative energy, passion and obsession. When I am drafting a new book I write between 16 and 25 pages a day. I have fallen down the rabbit hole.  The Yerkes Project was written in 10 days.

The most daunting task is in the rewrites, spell checking and getting the grammar and punctuation right which I think will never be perfect. If you are upset by such flaws don't read anything I write.

I now find myself in a race against time. In the past year I have written 2 books of non fiction, 2 books of fiction and another of digital collage which uses many of my "Conceits" written years ago. There are not enough hours in the day nor funds to support my habit. Some of my work sits on the shelf waiting for "funds available" to take the next step toward publication.

Writing books has become the extended conversation I have with myself since increasingly it is difficult to find others who are interested in such topics. Thus my isolation is exquisite and there are few complaints from me. I have always enjoyed my work that is at times very hard and often frustrating. My life as an artist etc. has never been dull and I feel privileged to have a mind the remains inquisitive and as Kay Redfield Jamison has said... "Touched by Fire".


click here to read more about each book/BOOK-HOMEPAGE.html

The Orchard (fiction)

Digital Collage (coffee table book)

The Yerkes Project (fiction)

Tick Tock (non fiction)

eYe Think Art (non fiction)

Sleepers (fiction)

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